What’s your personal branding statement?

Your personal branding statement, formerly known as your “elevator speech,” is often the only chance you have of making an impact on someone.

Here is a simple format that will help you create your own personal branding statement — and one that’s easy to memorize!

I help X do Y so that they Z.

X – Who do you work with?
Y – What do you help them do?
Z – What benefit or outcome do they get from working with you?

Some examples:

“I help people who are in over their head with debt eliminate bill collector’s phone calls” (Bankruptcy Attorney)

“I help small business owners localize their business so that they get better placement on Google Maps” (Internet Marketer)

“I help executives wade through complex land use contracts with ease so that they can make good business decisions” (Business Consultant)

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If you want to take this a step further, include a call to action at the end. Imagine how powerful the Business Consultant’s personal branding statement would be if it ended with what he really wants: “I help executives wade through complex government contracts with ease so that they can make good business decisions I’m looking to be introduced to commercial property owners and real estate investors.” The person hearing this now has an assignment!

Make your personal branding statement more memorable and actionable by including a specific, clear call to action. I can’t guarantee you’ll get new clients, but you’ll certainly meet a lot more people.

Remember, when someone asks “what do you do” — don’t tell them what’s on your business card. Instead, become memorable with a personal branding statement.

Brian Farrell is the founder & managing consultant for FIND the CLIENT. He helps business leaders search for skills and solutions that drive growth.