8 Travel Design Trends for Making the Sale

From our friends at Reservations.com

If you’re a sales or marketing professional in the travel industry – whether B2B or B2C – you know how critical branding and design is for a travel company’s website.

In 2018, 71% of U.S. travelers researched their travel plans online and 83% used digital platforms to book tickets and accommodations. Furthermore, just over half of consumers (51%) admitted that the visual content and imagery of the travel sites they visit can influence their trip decisions.

Furthermore, with over $1 trillion being spent by U.S. travelers, there’s a lot of opportunity in the space for smart operators.

The fact is, consumers aren’t picking up the phone, they’re visiting travel sites themselves to do primary research, comparisons, and usually making the final purchase.

More than acting as a reflection of your business, your website is also a reflection of the travel experience your customer can expect should they make the choice to book with you.

This infographic on travel design trends was put together by the team at Reservations.com to inspire those who market and sell in the travel industry. It highlights 8 of the top web design trends for 2019 and beyond.

Brian Farrell is the founder & managing consultant for FIND the CLIENT. He helps business leaders search for skills and solutions that drive growth.