12 Productivity Hacks for a Virtual Commute

With the shift to working from home, remote selling has become a cornerstone of successful sales strategies. Almost overnight, sales professionals had to adapt to having less face-time with prospects and feeling confident navigating digital systems. 

With all the stressors working from home can cause, this shift also provided remote sales professionals with significant time savings thanks to the elimination of the daily commute. 

The average American spent an estimated 35 minutes on their daily commute to work prior to the pandemic, which adds up to a total of 152 hours or 19 full workdays spent traveling to work each year. 

Imagine how much you could accomplish in 19 extra workdays. From task scheduling to familiarizing yourself with industry news and terminology, that’s valuable time for anyone. Just like you used to get ready for the office, you should also prepare your mindset for a great day working from home. 

Below are a few tips for making the most of save time as a sales professional. 

Schedule Your Day

Before your calendar gets flooded with prospecting calls, take some time in the morning to organize your schedule. Time blocking is a useful technique that involves dividing your day into blocks of time to dedicate to specific tasks. Scheduling your day using time blocking ensures that you’re able to optimize every hour of your day and accomplish all your necessary objectives. 

“Walk” to Work

22% of employees say their biggest issue is unplugging from work so using your commute time to take a walk around your neighborhood will make work feel disconnected from your home life. 

Catch Up on Industry News

Another productive use of your extra time on weekday mornings is to inform yourself of industry news. Read relevant blogs and websites to stay on top of the latest sales trends and developments you can apply to your own career, without having to take time out of your busy work schedule. 

If you’re interested in even more ideas, the folks at Tommy John created the following visual that offers 12 productive ways to repurpose your commute time

Work From Home Commute Infographic

Brian Farrell is the founder & managing consultant for FIND the CLIENT. He helps business leaders search for skills and solutions that drive growth.