Building your website around customer needs

Your website has the potential to be the major driver of new customers for your business. A well-designed website improves your firm’s web presence and web traffic. Creating a website based on customer needs demonstrates the value you place on creating a user-friendly space.

Your individual profile pages are likely the most important pages on your website. Customers need and want to know who they’re dealing with before retaining your services. Too little information on this page could leave potential customers unsure of the reliability of your services. On the other hand, too much information could turn away customers who aren’t interested in reading a novel on your background. The best profile pages have major details on your education background, case work and “reason why” you do what you do. Profile pages are also a great place to include website videos.

Your About Us page will have major details on the history of the business, as well as the types of services or goods you provide. This page would be a great place to let customers know your business’s operating standards, goals and mission.

Your individual services pages help your clients know what they can expect when working with your business. Be sure to thoroughly describe what you’re offering to your clients by providing as many details as possible. As with your About Us page, being too wordy could cost you. Your clients don’t want to read about your opinion of your business! Stick to the facts and details specific to the industry you serve.

A Contact Us page helps your clients know how to get in touch with you. Having all of your contact information in one place will help customers feel confident that they can reach you if there are any problems. Other good things to list on the contact page are maps, directions, and even neighborhood information or local place names that might help a client locate where you are.

Finally, wadding client reviews and testimonials help ease your client’s fears of working with someone they didn’t want. No one can praise you higher than a previous client. Ask for reviews or testimonials from customers and update this page regularly.

There are many other types of pages, however, these are the most important. Review your pages and see if they live up to your customers expectations!

Brian Farrell is the founder & managing consultant for FIND the CLIENT. He helps business leaders search for skills and solutions that drive growth.