The Social Media Sales Revolution – Book Review
There no doubt — the future of sales is in social media. The Social Media Sales Revolution by Landy Chase & Kevin Knebl (McGraw Hill, 2011), lays out the new rules for finding customers, building relationships and closing more sales through social media and online networking.
The way we communicate with prospects and customers has changed, and your sales skills need to change if you want to stay in the game. Traditional methods, like cold calling are no longer effective — social networking sites are now your best tools to get in front of clients. The opportunities for developing relationships and selling are enormous on social media, and is based on six simple, yet fundamental, shifts the Internet has created for the future of selling in the B2B marketplace:
- Abandon traditional marketing
- Become a marketer first, and a seller second
- Build your sphere of influence
- Become a value generator
- Build your brand for top of mind awareness
- Work the (temporary buyer’s) window
The Social Media Sales Revolution also includes very detailed activities for you to undertake on social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook as well as chapters on Blogging and time management. The letter of inquiry process found midway through is priceless; you’ll also learn the difference between TOMA and TOMATO (and why the latter is critical to your online success).
Buy The Social Media Sales Revolution — it’s the one road map you need to generate offline sales from online marketing.