Best ways to network online in 2020

There’s no question that we’re all relying on networking digitally while working remotely. Conferences and other in-person meet-ups might be canceled, but remember the silver lining of networking online: professional networking events are more accessible than ever before in a virtual format. Regardless of your desired career path, there are opportunities to digitally participate in networking through virtual gatherings like webinars, workshops, and more. Even if you’re just starting to grow your professional network, you can develop tons of meaningful relationships through online networking alone (beyond just using LinkedIn.)

This new wave of digital networking is exciting, and the lack of geographic barriers opens up the possibilities. You have the opportunity to strengthen your rapport with your current contacts and expand your connections with smart digital networking tactics. Check out the graphic below from LiveCareer for some actionable tips on the best ways to network online in 2020. 

Infographic on the new wave of networking online.

Brian Farrell is a coach, helping clients achieve their personal and professional goals. He's also the creator of the "QA2 Method". For more about Brian, visit